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Unoaked Chardonnay 2013

Tasting Notes Harvesting at a low sugar ripeness, gives rise to an elegant well balanced unoaked Chardonnay  with fresh citrus fruit aromas, subtle notes of white blossom, melon and peaches, together with a fresh and vibrant palate. It has a beautiful lingering mouth feel, that makes it easy to drink on its own but one […]

Seven Springs Vineyard in Decanter Magazine

We have just had a whole page devoted to Seven Springs Vineyard in the November edition of Decanter Magazine. The whole article is entitled “Buying a Vineyard” but we guess in our case it could have been entitled “Buying a piece of land with cattle roaming on it”….but we guess that might not be a […]


  This vintage kicked off with hot and humid days and kept the viticulturists on their toes everyday. November saw flooding, with thunder showers and humid conditions. The winds that are a usual occurrence on the farm in November, and one that keeps the mildews in check, only started up in December. This meant a […]

Syrah 2012

Tasting Notes Deep rich red / purple in the glass, this wine reflects the bright fruit flavours of mulberry and blueberry. Its perfume of smoky spices, pepper and woodland undertones, gives way to a well-structured palate, sumptuous, full of flavour with a smooth decadent, lingering dark chocolate finish. A great match with and beef, venison […]

YouTube review of our wines

Nathan (Nate) Nolan reviews our 2010 Syrah and Chardonnay and our 2011 Unoaked Chardonnay in this YouTube video. We sent Canadian Nate our wines a couple of years ago and he decided to keep the wines before reviewing them to see how they age. This is Nate’s video and we think he has made a […]

Review of our wines by Tom Cannavan

Read below what Tom wrote about our wines in his Wine Pages website https://wine-pages.com/tasting-articles/seven-springs-overberg/   Seven Springs, South Africa by Tom Cannavan, 09/17    I have reviewed the Seven Springs range a couple of time previously, ever since meeting English owners Tim and Vaughan Pearson back in 2008. That was just as they were about to release […]

Decanter World Wine Awards 2014

We are proud to announce that we achieved three excellent awards from the 2014 Decanter World Wine Awards. Having decided to enter our Syrah 2012 and our two Chardonnays (oaked 2011 and un-oaked 2012) we were absolutely delighted with getting a GOLD award for our 2012 Syrah and BRONZE for the two Chardonnays. To put this […]

What we’ve been up to.

We have been very busy here at Seven Springs and it doesn’t look like the sudden winter here in the Overberg is going to slow us down.  If you thought it was still Autumn, well guess again. The leaves might be golden, but the mountain tops are getting their first dusting of powdery white snow. […]