Seven Springs Harvest 2012










    Valentine’s Day? Yes, but also and most important, harvest time at 7 Springs                  Vineyard, where our grapes get tender loving care, as you would treat your                  Valentine!

We have 4 Pinot Noir clones of which two were harvested today, clones 667 and 777. These two will give the fresh fruit component to the wine.


Clones 459 and 115 will be picked as and when they reach their full ripeness and they will make out the structural component to our Pinot Noir.

                                Everybody ready for action!







Our Pinot Noir vines are now in their 4th year,  still very young, and as a result the volumes are still small, so the grapes harvested today will ferment together in the same tank.

Some experienced hands working here, good care is taken not to squash any grapes!



Our grape pickers enjoy what they are doing and they have a real passion for this job!


Another perfect bunch!

The grapes are transported to the winery in the same crates they were gently harvested into. The gentler the grapes get handled the less breakage there is of the berries. This way we make sure we get the best results from our wonderful grapes.


Watch this space and see how our grapes transform into wine!

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